Quoting TheDarkKnight:
I have to go with your thread title here OP, I guess you did really mess up!
If you don't like the rules, fine, if you do it locally your way, fine, but to knowingly break the rules and violate the terms of service, not fine. Sorry dude

Ok let me CLARIFY my previous post I made a while back. Im not intending on breaking ANY rules understand? So no need for a bunch of thumbs down.
Im trying to say Im just gonna keep my own local database now and lock it now that I understand better how it works. ( I may even sit down one day and manually enter them just to see how long it takes)
I can understand the arguements against my suggestion about using "IMDB" after reading they charge a sum of cash for its use... (really? would they bill you for it?)
However, to be fair, I have noticed quite a bit of "actor" profiles that other people have submitted which were downloaded to my database... which DOES include "uncredited" cast members in the list.
Guess what? real movies DON'T credit "uncredited" actors.
I have: "SAW" (first one) Widescreen version
In the profile at the bottom of the actor list it lists a man named:
Hans Raith and who he plays is "Detective (uncredited)
I popped in my dvd and went straight to the end credits and sure enough.. NO Hans Raith listed.
Doesn't that submission now become invalid?
A lot of submissions lately I've seen with "uncredited actors" should now all be invalid.
It seems they didn't follow the rules and used a 3rd party database and/or submitted their own local version trying to sneak it in.
To top this off... I got Saw (again) with a box set (two disc box set of Saw VI and the first one) and the actor list is slightly different. Granted, it was a re-release and maybe some adjustments were made to the list, however, the same "Hans Raith" is NOT listed on that profile or its end credits either.
I have noticed several films lately that have 0 actors listed... (no one entered them)... This seems to be a growing trend lately...
Yet I want you all to know that I have learned that I can lock my own database and will do so for certain "large productions" like Harry Potter in the future (whereas there are a lot of actors and crew) and I will not submit something which I didn't get from seeing it on screen.
So you can all stop taking turns telling me the same thing over and over.
However, sadly I should point out that this does ruin the spirit of a dvd collection database because certain situations arise in some films where actors appear uncredited (yet they are IN the dang film and you see them or hear their voice) i.e Jamie Lee Curtis who appears in Halloween 3: Season of the Witch
twice in two different roles (voices) and is uncredited for both. There are many films I got with actors that do something like that and simply will not make it to the profiler unless its added manually of course and kept "local".

Furthermore, I have run into some older 1970's films which are just now making it to DVD which DO NOT even list who the actor plays in the film. Granted, if you know the actor by face you can watch the film and figure out who plays who.. but then comes a whole pile of problems which can include issues like who they really played or how their name is spelled. (did he play "Barry or Berry"?)
I cant remember off hand which film but to illustrate a small example I was watching an old 1970's horror film of my brother's which must have had only 8-9 people in it and most of them are people I never even saw before except for maybe one guy. All the names seemed unrecognizable and when we went to figure out who this one actor played by watching the end of the film credits it simply listed the actor's names and not who they played.
Going back and trying to catch the name of the guy he was playing as we realized that complicating the matter was the fact there were two "George's" in the movie both of whom never gave a clue to anything distinguising (such as a last name) and I sat there thinking of my profiler.. and how lovely of an adventure it would be to enter a cast list by watching the dvd.

The only way we sorted it out was to go to IMDB and saw a list of who played who.
Turns out I had that actor in a couple of my films which were in my database list so I did recognize him in the end, but the point I'm trying to make is it would have become literaly impossible to enter that movie into this database without some 3rd party site like IMDB for guidance.
And by the way, to correct someone earlier in this thread... IMDB doesn't just take random submissions from just any ole user. You got to be assocated with the picture in some way. My brother has made 1 film back in 2009 with Lance Nichols and it [i]still[/] has yet to appear in his profile and their reasoning was that it had to be shown in public or be officially released in some way.
Yet strangely, if you notice this rule is bent sometimes since we can see some actor's "unreleased" or "in production" works which haven't even started filming.
I'm guessing it's because the film is with a smaller company that was doing its first feature film and they want to be sure its not a random or false submission. (major motion picture companies have a bit more clout apparently)
Widescreenforever wrote [quote]I don't own any of the Potter films .. but aren't they 'individually by each film' in Invelos data already?[/quote]
That's almost exactly the same thing as I tried to do with using IMDB. If my submission was considered a "cheat" than that should be too. Why? Because some re-releases or packaged dvd's MIGHT very well contain actors who were
not previously credited in the first release.
(for reference see the Saw dvd which was bundled
with Saw VI[/i], its different slightly from the original Widescreen Saw movie dvd both in the database and both dvd's I compared. There is at least one additional person listed and a name change addition.)
If you holler at someone for want to bend a rule over the strain of a long cast/crew list, don't ask them to bend the rule another way by lifting the same cast list off of the very first release. Guess what? That first dvd release is going to have the most errors and uncredits.
have sometimes listed people which were not credited in the initial release.
Sometimes actors who get more famous later in their careers end up right on the front cover of a film they did 15 years ago yet only had a bit part which initially went uncredited in that first release.
In closeing:
AddictedtoDVD said...
[quote]What concerns me is he said...
Quoting Multiview:
Well I'm gonna enter them anyway my way.. they can reject them or not. Least I got the dang images scanned for all of them now! (Woohoo!)
No more blank spots to stare at! :D
See the sentence I put in bold. Unless I am reading it wrong it seems he is going to continue to use imdb and continue to submit to our database.
You know the rules now... but still going to do it your way and leave it up to the system to approve or not?
Our CLT results will be getting even worse by any that slips in!
You do realize you can always submit before doing cast.crew... and then lock your cast and crew locally to have your imdb data in place locally.[/quote]
Okay.. this was already echoed before you posted that. Let me clarify so you understand.
I am NOT going to continue submitting the same profile over and over. I only tried ONCE. Got it?
This goes to you all.
I wrote this thread a long time ago and came back and saw some outright flames tonite and I dont think I deserved them. Demonizing someone, especially a lowly newbie that I was then, isn't warranted.
I didn't fully understand the program at the time I wrote that post.. I thought, the program would automatically try and send a submission everytime I ran it.
For a long time I stopped running it... then one day I sat down and dived into it a little bit. I understand it a bit better than before.
Anyhows, I'm going to go watch another movie. Later