Firmware version 1.2 has been released today. You can find it here. Make sure you write the CD in ISO9660 format, or it won't be recognised by the player. This means, don't follow the instructions for Windows PC's if you own Windows Vista, because it is written in UDF format, and your player will display UNSUPPORTED. It decreases load times for certain discs. Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer now starts faster. I do have 2 issues that remain after the firmware update. 1. Sidebars when watching 4:3 content are white. This is very annoying and distracting. They definately should change it to black. 2. Cracking sound issue when fast forwarding. When you fast forward a movie at higher speeds (not the first level where you still have sound), I often, but not always here a cracking sound coming through my speakers. My player is connected via HDMI to an Onkyo TX-SR705. I don't think it's an issue with the Onkyo. Does anybody who owns this player noticed the same problem??? Regards, Chris |